Prior to the tax filing and payment extensions, many taxpayers set up electronic payments on or before April 15th to pay taxes due for 2019.

But now, with the extensions of time to pay, many people do not realize that you can cancel those previously scheduled payments, and defer payment until July 15th for federal and NY, and June 30th for NJ.

Usually you need to do this 48 hours or more before the scheduled electronic payment date.

IMPORTANT NOTE: If you do this, you will need to reschedule those payments for a later date using the various online systems. 

To cancel previously scheduled payments:


Call IRS e-file Payment Services 24/7 at 1-888-353-4537 to inquire about or cancel your payment, but please wait 7 to 10 days after your return was accepted before calling.



For assistance canceling all other scheduled electronic payments, call 518-485-7884 to speak with a representative.

Questions? Concerns? Call me on (732) 673-0510.

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Click here to request a consultation or ask me a question.

Please reach out to me without hesitation with any tax, business or accounting question, and to schedule a consultation.

Tax Laws are complex.

It is very easy to make mistakes that can incur penalties.

Do you have a Tax, Accounting or Business Question?

Call Me Immediately. (732) 673-0510.

Is your CPA or Attorney

ignoring your Phone Calls and Emails?

Call Me Immediately. (732) 673-0510.


“If We Aren’t Working For You, Then You Aren’t Working At Your Best”

Chris Whalen, CPA
(732) 673-0510
81 Oak Hill Road
Red Bank, NJ 07701


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